Early Settler Farmhouse, Wagga Wagga

Our client came to use wanting an architect that could design them a functional and beautiful country home to be built on their farm. ...They had waited many years to finally realise their dream home and wanted to get it right in the shortest amount of time possible. We used the existing house site and built onto the existing slab as well as keeping the original fireplace. Other than that, there is now no trace of the original 1970s project home. The clients were experienced farmers with specific needs, especially somewhere in the house that animal husbandry could take place. We created a large tiled mudroom that also acts as a breezeway between the two pavilions of the main house. Our client uses this space when newborn orphaned lambs need extra care. The result is a home that our clients have been thrilled with and are able to share with their children, grandchildren, and now great-grandchildren!

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Brad and Karl Burt, Wagga Wagga



Michele Bell



Justin Alexander

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